Coffs Harbour NSW
0438 205 691
Pre Sale House Painting
A fresh coat of paint is often cited as the cheapest and easiest way to significantly improve the sale price of your property. Not only is pre sale house painting an excellent way to spruce up the old, but it's also the best time to fix any minor cosmetic issues that could raise alarm bells in the minds of buyers. We know exactly what buyers want and you, as a seller, need. From repairing, sanding and finishing the interior and exterior of your home, we offer the complete property pre sale painting service to make the process simple and efficient.
Rental Property Painting
Refreshing the look of your rental property with a repaint is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to attract top dollar and quality tenants to your vacant property. Not only does it allow you to stay on top of any maintenance, you'll also be able to update its style to be modern, clean and fresh. Cobra delivers cost-effective real estate painting services for rental and investment properties. If you're looking for a reliable and professional company that will promptly paint the interior and/or exterior of your rental property, we can recommend the best way to make your rental appeal to more prospective tenants while working within your budget. We can help with any rental property painting refresh. If the previous tenants left any damage, our diversified team of tradespeople can also plaster, sand and repair your property for o seamless service with the perfect finish. We can even individually itemise your quote and invoice to highlight any work that's required for insurance claims.
How it works
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Request a quote
You can request a quote directly from our website with all of the details and specifications of your job, or you can get in contact with us for an obligation-free chat or free site visit so that we can produce a quote based on a more detailed discussion. And we’re happy to answer questions about the work we do or the materials and equipment we use. Either way, you’ll get an electronic quote from us with details of your job, bespoke terms and conditions, and a request for an electronic signature upon acceptance, and a request for an electronic signature upon acceptance.
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